Julia Ratliff
Guest Speaker
-Founder of The Paranormal Times, and avid lover of the paranormal. She will be speaking on Haunted Hotspots of Coastal North Carolina.
-Her passion for the paranormal began in her twenties but ramped up in 2021 when she began to attend investigations in group settings. As she visited these sites with various investigative and event teams, she realized that there are a ton of groups across the country doing great work in the field and it is hard for those wanting to get involved to find information on opportunities in one convenient place.
-With The Paranormal Times, she hopes provide interesting, engaging content on paranormal topics, as well as to lift up the work of others in the paranormal community.
Project Name
Wyatt Dowdy
Guest Speaker
Wyatt, paranormal investigator, embarked on his journey into the realm of the unknown in 2023, but his fascination with the paranormal traces back to his early childhood. From the age of four, Wyatt found himself entangled in inexplicable occurrences, igniting a lifelong quest for understanding the mysteries beyond our comprehension.
Founder of the investigative group, Deep Chatham Paranormal, Wyatt leads a dedicated team of individuals from all walks of life. Eschewing the notion of a designated "team," Wyatt believes in the power of diversity, inviting average, everyday people to join his investigations. This approach ensures authenticity and minimizes the risk of contamination, fostering genuine experiences in the pursuit of truth.